Review 2011
"Clean & Competitive -
The renewable future starts today"
May 10-11, 2011
2nd St.Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies
There is widespread consensus that renewable energy is the energy of the future. The Forum 2011 looked at the potentials of today. Because wind energy grows by 30 % annually, renewable energies are competitive already today. The winners of tomorrow now set the course for their success in future. "Clean & Competitive - The Renewable Future Starts Today" expresses our perception of the current state of renewable energies: Clean, low-carbon energy source are already profitable. The 2nd St.Gallen Forum emphasized this thesis in order to set the course for future success as well as to leverage today's potentials. Wind energy has moved beyond its infancy many years ago and is now an established industry with annual growth rates of 30% and more. To benefit from opportunities, investors, technology providers, project developers, entrepreneurs and politicians need to share their experiences and gather insights from other industries as well as from management research. Our Forum enables these dialogues. However, wind energy is by no means the only energy to provide attractive business opportunities. From very old approaches of hydro power to the most advanced technologies in photovoltaic, earning profits and reducing carbon-intensive or environmentally-hazardous technologies is possible today. We think back to March 2010, when Dr. H Harish Hande inspired with his keynote during the 1st St.Gallen Forum for Management of Renewable Energies: His company SELCO Solar's operations are profitable - not in India's flourishing exporting business, but by supporting the very low income population of southern India to purchase solar home systems. Here in Switzerland, Germany and whole north western Europe, we need smart business models, innovations for energy efficiency and collaborations beyond the solar industry. Our Forum provides a platform for the required knowledge sharing when e.g. Mary Turner will explain who she leverages her experience from the broadband technology industry to head AlertMe innovating and selling energy efficiency devices for household consumers. The future of transportation is electric - is it really? What we can say with certainty is that the leading companies in future set the course today. Who waits too long, misses the trend. Without further notice, new market players enter the energy industry willing to act now rather than later. These may be incumbents from other industries or new emerging start-ups such as Better Place striving for large-scale change in the industry. In these uncertain contexts, research informs us how decision-making of investors, consumers and political leaders is influenced.
Congress material and presentations 2011
- Conference programme 2011
- 1st Customer Survey Renewable Energies "Customer Satisfaction Renewable Energies & Smart Grids"
- Dinner Talk: "Einbezug erneuerbare Energien in strategische Instrumente" Dr. Bruno Cabernard, Leiter Nachhaltigkeit, Coop, Schweiz
- "The renewable future starts today" Prof. Dr. Rolf Wüstenhagen
- "Renewable energies - On the tension between vision an reality" Dr. Marc Schmidli, Partner, PwC Switzerland
- "DESERTEC - From Vision to realization" Cornelius Matthes, Director Business Alliances, Dii GmbH (Desertec), Germany
- Keynote "A 100% renewable energy supply" Impulse speech by Prof. Dr. Olav Hohmeyer, University of Flensburg and The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU)
- Impuls Speech "Better Place – next generation mobility" Rolf Schumann, Better Place, Deutschland
- Impuls Speech Alexandre Closset, Belenos Clean Power Holding Ltd. (n.a.)
- Impuls Speech Mary Turner, AlertM, (n.a.)
- Impuls Speech "Northern Power Systems" Reinout Oussoren, Northern Power Systems (n.a.)
Video Interviews
The Youtube Channel of the Chair for Management of Renewable Energies contains a number of video interviews from all St.Gallen Forums for Managment of Renewable Energies.